Where could I go on a day trip from Stuttgart?

Elizabeth tells impressively about her favorite places in the region of Stuttgart. If you are a newcomer to Stuttgart or if you feel like going on the day trip - she has a few tips on different places.

Hello everybody! Today I'm here to try to answer the question: Where could I go on a day trip from Stuttgart? It's an interesting question as it can come up in various situations, but no matter if you are a newcomer to Stuttgart and want to see places nearby, if you are receiving guests and want to know where to take them or if you just feel like going on a day trip to another city, I have a few tips on places that I think are ideal to visit in one day, as a good friend of travelling that I am.

This time I will tell you about the places I visited with my mother, who was visiting for a few days, and we took the opportunity to make day trips to several cities in the region or close to it.

Heidelberg – a picturesque city

I would like to start with a city that I find charming: Heidelberg. Just walking around the city and seeing how picturesque it is, is worth it. If you are a lover of small European towns, you will love it. I recommend you to cross the emblematic bridge "Alte Brücke" and not to miss the castle, to see how impressive it is and the beautiful view of the city from it. It is also curious and interesting to enter the Pharmacy Museum, as well as to see the biggest barrel in the world. In my case, I visited Heidelberg in autumn, and I didn't have a sunny day, but it was still a very nice day. My mother was delighted to return to the city, which we had already visited when I was little, more than 20 years ago.

Elizabeth and her mother coming back to Heidelberg for their second visit after more than 20 years.

Historic buildings in Freiburg

Another place I visited with my mother on a day trip, and we loved it, was Freiburg. It's a beautiful place that I think everyone should go to. If you like architecture, you will fall in love with this city of historic buildings. The imposing cathedral and the market square are not to be missed. Freiburg has a special charm in its streets with beautiful canals and quaint facades, so walking through the city will be a delight. And if you enjoy good views like me, I recommend you to climb the Schlossberg, the view of the city is breathtaking. I am also a lover of good food, and I remember that what we tried was very good.

Elizabeth and her mother going for a walk over the top of Freiburg.

Charming Tübingen

One place I wanted to show my mother was the charming Tübingen, because this little place is simply beautiful. From the first time I went there, I was enchanted by the pretty little houses on the banks of the Neckar. I recommend walking through the park, sailing on the Neckar, visiting the Marktplatz and the Historische Altstadt, and of course going up to the Museum Schloss Hohentübingen, where you can see interesting things and, of course, enjoy a nice view.

Elizabeth and her mother enjoying to walk by charming houses on the Neckar.

Boat tour on the Bodensee

Coming from an island and being very fond of water, I could not fail to take my mother to the Bodensee (Lake Constance), and I think it is my favourite place in the region, simply breathtaking. In the surrounding area I would definitely recommend a visit to the island of Lindau and, what I visited with my mother, Konstanz. We had a great time there because it is simply beautiful. For me, some highlights would be to take the boat tour and to simply walk through the city and around the lake and discover all the treasures that this place has to offer.

Elizabeth and her mother taking a boat tour on the Bodensee.

Vineyards in Esslingen

And of course, I couldn't fail to mention a place in the Stuttgart region that is definitely worth a visit: Esslingen. With its beautiful vineyards, this lovely town is definitely a must-see. It is very nice to see the traditional buildings that characterise this place and go up to the Dicker Turm to enjoy a beautiful view with the combination of vineyards and the pretty town, as well as strolling through the Esslinger Burg. If you are a fan of hiking, one option I can recommend is to go from Esslingen to the Grabkapelle auf dem Württemberg (Sepilchral Chapel on Württemberg), the walk and the destination are worth every step.

Elizabeth and her mother on a day trip walking and strolling through Esslingen.

I could mention some other places to spend the day or other places where it would also be nice to go if you have a bit more time, but I think I'll leave that for next time, so you can start with the nice places mentioned in this article. I know, I didn't go into too much detail about my visits, but I think it's also nice to be surprised by all the beautiful things these places have to offer, so I hope you will take my advice and visit some of these cities and like me, treasure some beautiful memories.

Until next time!


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