Room with open door

Accommodation in Stuttgart

This post is 100% my own experience. I lived in Böblingen for six months for my bachelor degree internship last year, believe me it took months just to get a viewing appointment.

Speaking from my experience, I  know I've supposed to send my application form to Studentenwerk Stuttgart for my master degree way earlier than before. I applied for a room in student hostel in January, approximately four months before I officially start my classes in April. Most of my choices are the student hostels nearby the university area in Vaihingen though I know the fact of its high demand.

April and May were stressful months for me as I was so desperate to find a place to settle down. During that time, even a tiny matter bothered me. Plus, I am in Stuttgart, a new city where I supposed to discover and treasure it from the very beginning. Everything is still new and raw for me. A new university system to adapt (since I completed my Bachelor Degree at a University of Applied Science before this), a new circle of friend ready to get bonded, a new environment to blend in and yet I still didn’t have a place to call home. It honestly stressed me out. While still waiting for good news from Studentenwerk Stuttgart, I also sent a lot of applications for shared-flat as my alternative. I have experienced a WG lifestyle and my housemate and I really enjoyed each other's company.

As I found an apartment

This is a fact: It was so hard to get a room in Stuttgart. The estimated waiting time is ca. six months as told by the advisor in Studentenwerk Stuttgart. After two appointments and long discussions with the advisor, she managed to get me a room after a student decided to move out from the hostel at the end of May due to contract termination. She called me right after she knew the news to offer me the room, which I gladly accepted without hesitation at all. I was so touched and overwhelmed with her kindness, especially during these tough time. Even a small kind gesture from her made my heart flutters and I really wanted to hug her to show how grateful I am toward her. I vividly remember  on our second appointment in Studentenwerk Stuttgart office, the advisor told me that it seems like I have some luck. And she continued:


“But in life, a person indeed needs at least a small luck right?”

Which is true. I nodded my head as a signed of yes. Even now, I am still so happy that she understands my situation well -- or should I say most of the student and has at last found my ‘luck’. I get a fully furnished room from June Ist onwards. Before this, I stayed temporarily with my fellow Malaysian friend. But can you ever imagined, what might happen if I yet have no friends waiting for me in Stuttgart? I am pretty sure almost every students or interns in Stuttgart experienced the same situation as I am.

...Well Stuttgart is an ideal city for students, one because University of Stuttgart offers a lot of study courses suitable for both local and international students. Second, Stuttgart and the city nearby provide a lot of internship placement. To name a few, the big companies like Daimler AG, Bosch and Porsche are all headquartered in Stuttgart, which is one of the reasons why I decided to study at University of Stuttgart for my Master Degree. Third and so on...I have yet to discover the city to go on with the list of what Stuttgart can offer to a newbie Stuttgarter like me.

June 1st officially marks my first day in Stuttgart -- Home sweet home. I might sound emotional but accommodation problem is always the extra luggage on my shoulder if I ever move in to new city no matter where I might land after this. For now, I can sigh with happiness. Now it’s time to unpack my things and decorate my new room.

A few suggestions from me:

  1. Always send the student hostel application form  as early as you can even if you are still undecided on which universities to choose. Indeed, early bird gets the worm!
  2. Please reply the confirmation link to renew your application sent by the Studentenwerk via Email within the given time or else they will cancel yours and remove your name from the waiting list.
  3.  Set an appointment with the concerned team, who knows they might assist you further with better alternatives. Your effort will pay off.

My hostel located nearby Neckartor U-Bahn station. I am completely satisfied with my room and I think this would be a perfect late welcoming gift for me in Stuttgart. Next things to do, city registration.

A fully furnished room ready for me
A fully furnished room ready for me

Although inconsistent summer weather in June welcomes us in Stuttgart, I am personally happy to start my new life as a Master Degree student in Stuttgart. En route to Master of Mechanical Engineering (M.Sc).


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